Monday, May 30, 2011

What are the privileges of God's employees?

Very powerful message yesterday that touched on many subjects including; What about people that seriously say don't "speak things into existence?" Jesus promises to give anything asked for in prayer...what exactly does that mean? In John 14:12 Jesus also say's we can do even greater things than He after He goes to heaven, What does that mean for us? Skips answers these questions and more while giving enormous encouragement to all who experience this service.

05/29/2011 CalvaryABQ church service - Skip Heitzig

"Most companies have benefits for employees: things like overtime pay, health insurance, and sick pay. In 2 Corinthians 6:1, Paul calls us "workers together with Him" (NLT renders it "God's partners"). We have been called to a high and lofty task—to be His representatives here on earth. You might say we're part of the "family business." So what has God called us to do? And how has He provided for us in terms of resources? In short, what are the benefits of being God's employees"?


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